DPS - MIS-Doha - Senior School  Activities : December  - 2010 - 2011


:: Senior School Scholar Badge Ceremony 2010

DPS-Modern Indian School conducted a special Assembly on three consecutive days to honor and felicitate students of class V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI and XII for achieving 100 percent Attendance and for being Scholars in the academic year.

The Assembly began with a glorious recitation from the Holy Quran, followed by its translation. The school choir echoed melodiously with encouraging words for the achievers.

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:: DPS-MIS enjoyed participation in QMUN

36 students of DPS MODERN INDIAN SCHOOL participated in the Qatar Model United Nations (QMUN) held at Qatar Academy recently. This year over 600 delegates of 23 state and international schools representing 91 countries participated in the conference. The conference brings together young people and explores issues in a simulation of the United Nations General Assembly.

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DPS Modern Indian School once again consolidated its reputation of being ace debaters when three teams from this school came out on top after four rigorous rounds of debating with some of the best schools in Doha.

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